It's a quiet night at the Skellaytown (pop. ~3,000) town hall. Most people are gone due to the holiday (in this world Halloween is a national holiday, naturally). You're still here though, and it's your job to make the rounds.

The Rounds is a short horror experience made during a week-long game jam (SCREAM SECRETS JAM 2024). It has no save function and can be readily finished in around 30 minutes tops, though probably much less.

Content warning for general spookiness, jump scare(s)


Arrows for movement and menu navigation

Z or Space for confirming and using/examining objects in game, and going through doors.

X or ESC for canceling and pulling up the menu.

This is not built to run on mobile, but should operate in browser as intended.

Published 19 days ago
Made withRPG Maker
TagsHorror, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MV


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Gave it a friendly Let's Play - I'm gonna assume the prototype ends after dying but I kept trying anyways just incase xD. Gameplay and commentary within.


Thank you for giving it a go! Yeah, there is no other end state. It's a little limited since it had to be made in a week and has some jam jankiness on top of that, but I might try and tidy it up sometime, I started putting some notes down on fixes already...

Anyway anyway, thanks for giving it a looksee! I'll have to checkout the video when I have a moment ^^


Take your time and I hope it's entertaining or useful when you're able to watch :)


Certainly! I've yet to tune into a commentary on one of my projects just due to lack of guts, but I'll try to summon some up and give it a go :3